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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Most missed rapidclone steps

During cloning, DBAs most often miss the finishing tasks as outlined in Metalink Note 230672.1 (Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone). These are tasks which need to be done manually by a DBA as RapidClone doesn't take care of them :

Section 3: Finishing Tasks

This section lists tasks that may be necessary depending on your implementation and the intended use of the cloned system.

  1. Update profile options
    Rapid Clone updates only site level profile options. If any other profile options are set to instance specific values, you must update them manually.

  2. Update printer settings
    If the new cloned system needs to utilize different printers, update the target system with the new printer settings now.

  3. Update workflow configuration settings
    Cloning an Oracle Applications instance will not update the host and instance specific information used by Oracle Workflow. Review the following tables and columns to verify there is no instance specific data in the Workflow configuration on the target system.
    Table Name Column Name Column Value Details
    WF_NOTIFICATION_ATTRIBUTES TEXT_VALUE Value starts with http:// : Update to new web host
    WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUESTEXT_VALUEValue starts with "http:// : Update to new web host
    WF_SYSTEMSGUIDCreate a new system defined as the new global database name using the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility.
    WF_SYSTEMSNAMEValue needs to be replaced with the database global name
    WF_AGENTSADDRESSUpdate database link with the new database global name.
    FND_FORM_FUNCTIONSWEB_HOST_NAMEUpdate with the new web host name
    FND_FORM_FUNCTIONSWEB_AGENT_NAMEUpdate to point at the new PLSQL listener name
    FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTSLOGFILE_NAMEUpdate with the correct path to the logfile directory
    FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTSOUTFILE_NAMEUpdate with the new directory path on the target system

  4. Verify the APPLCSF variable setting
    Source the APPS environment and review that the variable APPLCSF (identifying the top-level directory for concurrent manager log and output files) points to an acceptable directory. To modify it, change the value of s_applcsf in the contextfile and run AutoConfig.

    If the target system is in a different domain name than the source system and SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN was not null in the source system, update that value to reflect the new domain name.

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