set the webentry point, s_webentryhost, to the hostname justanexample
set the webentry domain, s_webentrydomain, to the domain name like
set the active webport, s_active_webport, to the port where the reverse proxy server listen for client requests. For example port 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS.
set the webentry protocol, s_webentryurlprotocol, to the protocol value the clients use to access the reverse proxy server.
set the login page, s_login_page, to webentryprotocol://webentrypoint.webentrydomain:active webport. Replace
set the external url, s_external_url to the full url like
After running autoconfig, the problem was solved and it was no longer directing to internal app tiers.
Peculiar thing was that, they were using numeric IP to reach the extranet web tier. I advsied them to find out from the client what name was reserved for the site and use that instead. It turned out that the name was being used for an existing web shop and iStore was supposed to replace it. I told them that they could use a free DNS provider and get a name for their IP in just a few seconds which would give them a proper URL to test instead of using a numeric IP. Furthermore, numeric IP is not supported as the URL by Oracle Apps. So I reserved a name for them through a free DNS service I had used their services long back for a similar purpose.
In case you have a similar problem, you could also use a free DNS service like to get a name for your global IP. It would be
Nice tip Vikram.
Thanks Arun.
We are implementing multi apps web nodes in DMZ frontended by reverse proxy. We are using oracle http standalone server as a reverse proxy.
We are able to login using reverse proxy .But when I click on preferences screen it says "session expired". I going to verify with our network team if "session persistence " is set in the load balancer which front ends the external web nodes .If I shutdown 1 apps node there are no issues .
Any other reason why this issue could be.
We have faced this issue in our extranet implementations. The issue has been resolved by ensuring that the session persistence is set to cookie based (recommended by Oracle) or IP based and increasing the load balancer idle time setting. If the idle time is set to 30 minutes, it means that load balancer will keep a session alive for 30 minutes, and disconnect it only after 30 minutes. Ensure that the load balancer idle time is same as your s_sesstimeout value in xml file.
- Vikram
Where do you configure these webentry points and such?
We're having an issue when you select a minisite the site loads, however it's blank. No error msg or anything...
Hi Anonymous,
These parameters are configured in the context file or xml file which is present in the $APPL_TOP directory of the extranet node.
It is possible that your mini site is not configured in the url firewall file url_fw.conf
- Vikram
Hi Vikram,
Is it possible to give diffrent domain name to istore minisite.If yes how can i implement that.
I have 2 minisites say A and B. I want to access them as
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