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Thursday, January 24, 2013

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied for glogdba after cloning OTM

After cloning OTM database and instance, when we started the services and tried accessing

Configuration and Administration > Cluster Management > Scalability Overview, we got this error in glog.exception.log

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

I was able to diagnose that this was coming for glogdba user by switching on auditing on the database.

The encrypted password was correct for glogdba in

After a lot of R&D we found out that this was occurring because the encrypted password of glogdba user in data_source table was incorrect.

It had the encrypted password of the glogdba user in production. We reset the glogdba password to default glogdba after clone.

Doing this update statement and bouncing apache and weblogic did the trick:

update data_source set oracle_password='Z2xvZ2RiYQ=='
where data_source_gid='UNPOOLED_DBA';

1 comment:

HectorDBA10 said...

see the case sensitive parameters